

Felice Limosani

Felice Limosani (1966) is a multidisciplinary creator. In the 80s and 90s he was a DJ and music producer (LIMOS -The night goes on- 2000 Undiscovered/Sony Music London). In 2001 he founded the startup company “SKYBAR wireless lifestyle support”, creating the first recreational MMS Apps (Angel Ventures) for Nokia. A precursor of digital storytelling, today […]


Luca Lombroso

I am a television personality, conference speaker and expert on the environment. I head the Geophysics Observatory in the “Enzo Ferrari” Engineering Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. I am proud to say that I am President and Director only of myself! For more than 20 years I have been concerned with […]


Lorenzo Losa

A mathematician, Lorenzo studied first in Milan and then at the Scuola Normale in Pisa (specialist degree and postgraduate studies). In late 2013 he founded, with Adriano Guarnieri, Aranea srls; their first project was TwoReads, which suggests reading materials by mapping the connections between books referenced in bibliographies. Tworeads received an award for best business […]


Gianpiero Lotito

Founder & CEO, FacilityLive. Since 2010 Gianpiero Lotito has been the founder, with Mariuccia Teroni, of FacilityLive, the Italian startup that develops a platform for information management driven by a next generation search engine with patents granted in 43 countries worldwide (including Europe, USA, Japan, Korea, Russia, Israel South Africa and Australia). Gianpiero is a […]

Ivano Luberti

Ivano Luberti

TYPO3 Integrator since 2009 and extension developer, he’s created a large quantity of websites for commercial, corporate and eGovernment purposes. Expert web application planner and developer with more than 15 year experience. Specialized in Java and PHP (extbase, MVC for TYPO3) as well al C# for frameworks such as Struts, Tapestry, Symfony. Data access with […]


Michela Lupi

Michela Lupi has a degree in Political Science with a major in social politics earned in 1998 at Cesare Alfieri University in Florence. She holds a Master in Corporate Coaching by CoachU Italia. She has 15+ years of experience on Human Resources with main assignments as training leader and HR leader in both multinationals and […]


Alberto Lupini

A professional journalist since 1979, Alberto has been editor-in-chief of Italia a Tavola since 2002. He has worked as section head, reporter and correspondent for Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Mondo and L’Eco di Bergamo, cultural manager for no-profit institutions, communications and PR consultant, and is also a writer on history, economics and politics.


Alessandro Magni

26 years old, a graduate in Political and Social Sciences, in 2014 Alessandro started his blog, in which he presents his personal vision of the world of fashion, lifestyle, beauty, fitness and charity. Thanks to his likeable personality and his passion for social networking, in a short time he has succeeded in amassing a huge […]


Roberto Malfagia

Graduated in 2004 in the Master in narrative techniques at the Scuola Holden in Turin, he taught creative writing and screenwriting of shorts to Holden school. He has worked with Holden Art projects on the narrative of the cultural heritage and was part of the research project “New Museum Languages” for Intesa – San Paolo […]