

Francesca Giordano

Francesca Giordano. Was born in Genoa on 2.9.1973 and graduated in Environmental Sciences at the University of Genoa (1997). In 2009 completed a Phd in Environmental Sciences and Engineering. After a European grant at IRCO Environnement sprl (Namur, Belgium) and at the University of Liège (Liège, Belgium), she worked at the Province of Savona on […]


Giulio Giorello

Lecturer in the Philosophy of Science at the University of Milan, Giulio Giorello was born in Milan in 1945 and graduated in Philosophy in 1968 and Mathematics in 1971. He has taught in the faculties of Engineering (Pavia), Arts and Philosophy (Milan), Science (Catania) and at the Polytechnic University of Milan and the IUAV University […]



Since 2011, David Bernacchioni, Giulia Gambacciani and Elena Moraldi have coordinated and managed the communication, events and social media strategy for the Tuscany Region’s Giovanisì project.


Davide Gomba

Davide Gomba is a maker from Turin. He’s been tinkering with video experiment since his teenage, discovers and falls in love for Arduino in his 20ies. CEO of Officine Arduino, Communicator, Arduino workshop teacher, travels around Italy promoting DIY & maker culture, digital fabrication and sharism. In his spare time he creates stories and prints […]


Andrea Gori

Restaurateur, sommelier, journalist, 2.0 web writer. A degree in biology with a research specialisation in distance learning, Andrea took on the classic family Trattoria Da Burde in Florence since 1901, focusing on wine, and expanding communication in the field thanks to his know-how acquired on the web in all its multiple potential and manifestations. Runner-up […]


Giuseppe Granieri

Giuseppe Granieri is the author of several books on digital themes (all published by Laterza). Throughout his life he has always worked on boundaries and innovation, in various different sectors. He has focused in particular on publishing and communication, and has been involved in everything from museum design – with Carlo Rambaldi, Oscar winner for […]


Valentina Grasso

After a degree in Science communication with full marks, she started working within the Institute of Biometeorology of Italian National Research Council on the topics of science communication and perception of climate change, weather related risks and sustainable development. She works as practitioner on science festival and events, public engagement in science, communication campaign on […]


David Alan Grier

David Alan Grier is a scholar of computing and information. He specializes in the context of computation and how computation alters social and political institutions. He is the author of When Computers Were Human (Princeton 2005), Too Soon To Tell (Wiley 2009), The Company We Keep (2012), and Crowdsourcing for Dummies (Wiley 2013). He is […]

Stefania Grillo

Stefania Grillo was born in Gallarate (VA) on December 23, 1989. After she graduated in Art at the University of Parma, she was an apprentice at the Culture Department of Reggio Emilia. Curator of Mantova Gaming Art, she is currently the project manager of VG Perspective, an event planning platform. She organizes conventions about retrogaming, […]