
Valentina Grasso


After a degree in Science communication with full marks, she started working within the Institute of Biometeorology of Italian National Research Council on the topics of science communication and perception of climate change, weather related risks and sustainable development.

She works as practitioner on science festival and events, public engagement in science, communication campaign on environmental topics (RACES, EU LIFE+ project) including editorial activities and web content management. She also works on outreach activities for school, design of educational tools, based on rich internet application and visual geography (ClimateScope tool). In the last two years she collaborated with the Tuscany regional weather service, Consorzio LaMMA, helping with the institutional communication and the web site management and social media strategy.

Her research also covers the communication of uncertainty in weather forecast and the public perception of weather bulletins. Within her research interests in the last years emerges the topic of social media ad public participation in emergencies. She just started a PhD at the University of Florence, Computer Science Department, focused on social media and situational awareness during weather related emergencies. She is member of the working group of #SocialProCiv set up by Italian Civil Protection Department about of responsible use of Social Media during emergencies.