

Paolo Cellini

Born in Rome in 1958, Paolo graduated in Political Sciences at the la Sapienza University in Rome. Since 2008 he has been a part-time lecturer at the University LUISS Carlo Guidi in Rome, where he teaches Strategic Marketing Service Marketing and Internet Economics. He is a partner of the venture capital fund Innogest Capital Sgr, […]


Andrea Ceron

Andrea Ceron is a researcher in Political Science at the University of Milan, where he teaches Analysis of Political Institutions, Polimetrics and Multivariate Analysis. He has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, and is co-founder of Voices from the Blogs Srl, a spinoff of Unimi created on 12/12/12, which operates in the field of […]


Pier Paolo Cervi

Pier Paolo Cervi began his career at Barilla, first in production and later in marketing. In 2000 he was one of the founding managers of Buongiorno, which distributes payable digital services. Here he covered several positions, until reaching the post of Managing Director of the “Italy & International” division, with responsibility for the markets in […]


Daniele Chieffi

Daniele is head of the Web di Eni press office; he previously held the same position for the UniCredit Group. He worked for over ten years as a journalist for the Repubblica, before jumping ship to the world of online press to become the editor in chief of Vivacity.it, a chain of local portals created […]


Fabio Chiusi

Fabio Chiusi is a freelance journalist who writes for L’Espresso. He focuses on digital surveillance, e-democracy and the relationship between societies, culture and technology. He created the blog ilNichilista and is the author of the volume ‘Critica della democrazia digitale’ (A critique of digital democracy) (Codice, 2014) and the e-book ‘Grazie Mr. Snowden’ (Thanks, Mr. […]


Paolo Cintia

Paolo Cintia is a graduate student at the University of Pisa and the CNR’s Institute of Information Science and Technologies. He was born in Marsciano (PG) and obtained a degree in Information Technology at the University of Pisa. His main field of research is the analysis of spatio-temporal data linked to human mobility (Mobility Data […]


Michelangelo Coltelli

My name is Michelangelo Coltelli but online I’m known as maicolengel; I’m 42, from Bologna, I’m married with 2 children. In 2013 I launched my first Facebook page, Bufale un tanto al chilo (unmasking urban mith), and that’s where the adventure started. Initially I only wrote articles for my friends, but they were shared with […]


Donata Columbro

Freelance journalist and blogger, I have been online since 1999. I am obsesses by digital media and the Internet as an engine for social change. When I am not running, I can be found on Twitter as @dontyna. I am currently social media editor for Volontari per lo Sviluppo Volunteers for Development and the side […]


Antonio Converti

Italiaonline CEO. Born in Calabria, Computer Science graduate from the University of Pisa, begins his career at Olivetti. Since 1995 he devoted himself to the web: at first in Italiaonline (first release), where he creates the search engine Arianna, then in Wind Telecomunicazioni, where he manages the start-up of the Internet division. Therefore dedicates one […]