
Michelangelo Coltelli


My name is Michelangelo Coltelli but online I’m known as maicolengel; I’m 42, from Bologna, I’m married with 2 children. In 2013 I launched my first Facebook page, Bufale un tanto al chilo (unmasking urban mith), and that’s where the adventure started.

Initially I only wrote articles for my friends, but they were shared with so many people and I received so many friend requests that I started a small blog called Bufaleuntantoalchilo, and then later Butac came along, as you know it today. Other people were already doing the same thing much better, but they were not using, or not using very well, the social networks, and with Butac I attempted to increase the visibility of a certain type of correct information. I don’t have a background in science, so my work every day requires study, as well as the help of great collaborators, experts in various fields, from medicine to technology.