

Cristiano Tomei

Cristiano Tomei uses all kinds of technology in the kitchen: from marinating egg yolks in tomato juice, to hanging a pigeon for hours over a hotplate; from roasting roots in salt to the cold infusion of soil and water as the base for a soup. Nevertheless he is a self-taught cook: a graduate of the […]


Francesco Toniolo

Francesco Toniolo (1990) graduated in Modern Philology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan in 2014, with a Comparative Literature thesis on the video game Mass Effect, which was subsequently published (Effetto di Massa. Fantascienza e robot in Mass Effect, TraRari Tipi, 2014). His primary area of interest is game culture, with […]


Michele Torsello

A 32-year-old lawyer, on the staff of the Prime Minister’s Office, where he works as legal head of the #italiasicura Mission Structure to combat hydrogeological instability. Following a year spent at Humboldt Universitaet in Berlin, he graduated with first class honours in Jurisprudence at Sapienza University of Rome, and subsequently attended the specialised School for […]


Alessandro Trigila

Engineering Geologist, PhD ISPRA – Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research Geological Survey of Italy Italian Landslide Inventory Project manager (Progetto IFFI). Technical and scientific coordinator of institutional and research projects. Expert in landslide risk assessment and mitigation measures. Expert in management, quality control of landslide databases; ideation of web-based thematic map services. […]


Dario Trovato

Dario is one of Balzo’s co-founders. He’s in charge of videomaking, sound design and public relations. He’s been a metal guitarist, electronic musician and has been working on video post-production for preschoolar cartoons. Many people believe that he’s actually a machine


Andreas Tschurtschenthaler

Andreas was born high in the mountains in Malles, province of Bolzano. He studied classics at high school, followed by tourism management. After various experiences in tourism firms and consortiums, since 2007 he has worked at Alto Adige Marketing. From management to the PR department. Since 2012 he has been responsible for corporate communications and […]


Fabrizio Ulisse

Co-founder of the Vudio agency and author of “Qui, Ora. Il live streaming come strumento di marketing per le piccole e medie imprese”, Fabrizio has been working for several years in video production and digital strategies, which are rarely separated. He loves silence and vinyl discs, which are rarely together.


Claudia Vago

Claudia Vago defines herself as a social media curator; she works in the news sector, with the motto ‘if you see something, say something’. Among her projects, she was an instigator of ‘OccupyChicago’, a journalistic mission financed bottom-up via a subscription by the followers of her account, which allowed her to report on events in […]


Augusto Valeriani

Augusto Valeriani is Assistant Professor in Media Sociology at the Political and Social Sciences Department- University of Bologna. His research interests focus on social media, digital cultures, political communications and public diplomacy. His latest book is “Twitter Factor, come i nuovi media cambiano la politica internazionale”.