

Guido Scorza

I am a lawyer, a lecturer on digital rights at the University of Bologna and the Lateran University, a freelance journalist and President of the Institute of innovation policy. I write several blogs on Il Fatto Quotidiano, L’Espresso and Il Sole 24 ore; I also write for Il Corriere delle Communicazioni and I am the […]


Diletta Sereni

Researcher with a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Siena and a doctorate in Studies in Visual Representation from the Italian Institute of Human Sciences. Her field of study is contemporary art and image theory; she has written articles for Protagon, Aracne Editrice and Mimesis. In 2013, she founded Squadrati with Daniele Dodaro; […]


Fabrizio Silei

Writer and creative mind, with an education in art and sociology, Fabrizio is an author of novels, creative books and picture books, for which over the years he has received growing approval from public and critics alike in Italy and abroad, and won several prizes. In 2014 he received the Premio Andersen for best writer, […]


Giampaolo Simi

Giampaolo Simi was born in Viareggio in 1965 and has written numerous works of fiction in the noir genre, such as Il corpo dell’Inglese (Einaudi Stile Libero, 2004) and Rosa Elettrica (Einaudi Stile Libero 2007). In recent years he has leaned towards suspense with an intimate psychological twist, with La notte alle mie spalle (2012) […]


Cesare Sironi

Born in Milan in 1966, Cesare graduated in electronic engineering at the Politecnico University of Milan and completed a Masters at CEFRIEL. He has worked for Cisco Systems Italia since 1991, and has contributed to the firm’s European success. In 1995 he joined Ascend Communications, a Silicon Valley startup: in 1995 Ascend was acquired by […]


Luca Sofri

Luca Sofri (born in Massa, 15 December 1964) is an Italian journalist and television and radio presenter. The son of Adriano Sofri, he is married to television presenter Daria Bignardi, with whom he has a daughter, Emilia. He previously presented a slot devoted to eBay on Internazionale, a weekly show where he continues to work, […]

Boris Sollazzo

Boris Sollazzo works for Giornalettismo. And he loves it: he has found a genial director and a wonderful editorial team, as well as a space that is free and stimulating. As this is Italy, he has chained himself to his chair, fearing it was all a joke. They haven’t taken him away so far. He […]


Jeff Soyk

Jeff Soyk is an award-winning media artist with experience in creative direction, UI/UX design, motion design, HTML5/CSS3/JS, and film/video. His credits include art director, UI/UX designer and architect on Hollow, a 2013 Peabody award-winner and 2012 TFI New Media Fund grantee. Hollow was nominated for a News & Documentary Emmy, received 3rd place in the […]


Riccardo Staglianò

Riccardo Staglianò (Viareggio, 1968) is a reporter for the “Repubblica”. For ten years he taught new media at the Roma Tre University. His most recent books are “Toglietevelo dalla testa. Cellulari, tumori e tutto quello che le lobby non dicono” (Get it out of your head. Mobile phones, tumours and everything lobbyists don’t say) and […]


Vincenzo Valentino Susca

Vincenzo Susca is a maître de conférences in Sociology of the Imaginary at the Paul-Valéry University of Montpellier and researcher at the Centre d’étude sur l’actuel et le quotidien at the Paris Descartes Sorbonne University. As a McLuhan Fellow at Toronto University, together with M. Dandrieux, he founded and directed the journal “Les Cahiers Européens […]