

Nicola Ferrari

My name is Nicola Ferrari, I’m a digital engineer from Castiglione delle Stiviere (Mantova), I’m optimistic and enthusiastic, and since 2008 I’ve worked in internet communication and web marketing. In September 2014 I decided to go freelance. My sense of society influences the underlying values of my work every day: I am convinced that living […]


Maurizio Ferraris

Maurizio Ferraris is full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Turin, where he is also the Director of theLabOnt (Laboratory for Ontology). He is Honorary Fellow of the Center for Advanced Studies of South East Europe (Rijeka) and of the Internationales Zentrum Für Philosophie NRW. He has been Fellow of the Italian Academy for […]


Marco Filippeschi

Marco is a certified expert in Industrial Physics, and studied Modern and Contemporary History on the degree course at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Pisa. He is listed on the special Register of the Lazio Order of Journalists and heads the online magazine of the Legautonomie association, “Governare il territorio”. In 1992 […]


Matteo Flora

Matteo is an expert in Digital Reputation and Computer Forensics, and CEO of The Fool, the Italian Digital Reputation Company dedicated to Monitoring, Analysis, Moderation, Management and Legal Safeguarding of Reputation and Digital Assets. He was a guest of the American State Department on the cooperative IVLP scheme (International Visitors Leadership Program), which selects individuals […]


Agnese Fontana

Agnese Fontana is a writer and film producer. She obtained a diploma in production in 1985 at the Experimental Film Centre in Rome. In 1990 she established Brooklyn Films, with which she produced Non mi basta mai (Can’t get enough) 1999, documentary 78 min. The film was directed by Guido Chiesa and Daniele Vicari, and […]


Rita Forsi

Executive Director Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione Ministry of Economic Development ISCOM Rita Forsi was born in Pontedera (PI) on 23 August 1953. She has a degree in Physics and since 2008 has been Director of the Ministry of Economic Development’s Institute for Communications and Information Technologies. She is also Director of […]


Federica Fratoni

I’m from Pistoia and I have a degree in Economics and Commerce. I began my political career in the ranks of the Partito Popolare and later moved to La Margherita, where in 2007 I was the last provincial secretary (and the first in the municipal Democratic Party). From 2009 to 2015 I was President of […]


Carola Frediani

Carola Frediani is a journalist. In 2010 she co-founded the Effecinque agency. She has written about new technologies, digital culture and hacking for numerous publications, including L’Espresso, Wired, Il Secolo XIX, DailyDot and TechPresident. She currently works for La Stampa. She is the author of Dentro Anonymous. Viaggio nellle legioni dei cyberattivisti (Informant, 2012); Deep […]


Antonella Fresa

Antonella Fresa, Promoter SRL (IT). ICT expert, Director and Administrator of company Promoter SRL, Antonella Fresa has been working on European cooperation projects since 1994. Since 2002, she is Technical Coordinator and Communication Manager of national and European projects in the domains of digital cultural heritage, smart cities, digital preservation, e-Infrastructures. From 2002 to 2012, […]