

Giacomo Biraghi

Digital media and PR Expo 2015 S.p.A. International expert on urban strategies, graduated in Economics of Public Administration at Bocconi University in Milan and City Design and Social Sciences at the London School of Economics in London. Specialist in the strategic management of projects in Italy and abroad for public administrations and local service companies […]


Gaspare Bitetto

Spicy creative, extremist cat lover and Social Media Producer. He joined the world population in 1983, and immediately distanced himself from it. In 2012 he founded the authors’ collective “Diecimila.me – cellule di letteratura staminale (literary stem cells)”, because the voices in his head had become rather insistent. With Diecimila.me he has published two books […]


Lenore Blum

Lenore Blum is Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon. From her early work in model theory and differential fields (logic and algebra) to her more recent work in developing a theory of computation and complexity over the real numbers (mathematics and computer science), she has focused on merging seemingly unrelated areas. In […]

Boccia Artieri-Giovanni

Giovanni Boccia Artieri

Giovanni Boccia Artieri is a professor of Sociology of Digital Media and Internet Studies at the Carlo Bo University of Urbino and vice-director of the LaRiCA centre (Laboratory of Research into Advanced Communication) at the Department of Communication Sciences and Humanities. He is course leader for the degree course in Information, Media and Advertising and […]


Remo Bodei

Remo Bodei is a Professor of philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has taught extensively at the Scuola Normale Superiore and at Pisa University. He studied and has taught at several universities in Europe (Tubingen, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Bochum, Berlin, Geneva, King’s College of Cambridge, École Normale Supérieure of Paris, Brussels, Girona, Madrid) […]


Lina Bolzoni

Lina Bolzoni received her PhD from Scuola Normale Superiore; she taught at University of Pisa and from 1997 she holds the position of the professor of Italian Literature at Scuola Normale Superiore; in 1998-2001 she was Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the SNS. She was a visiting professor in various foreign universities, among […]


Mario Bonafè

Born in Milan in 1963. He obtained a first class honours degree in Jurisprudence at the University of Milan in 1989. He is a member of the Milan Register of Lawyers. He is a committee member at the Milan Council of the Bar (Teaching and Intern Training). He is also registered with the American Chamber […]


Tiziano Bonini

Tiziano Bonini (PhD in Media, Communications and the Public Sphere, 2008, Siena University) is a researcher in Media Studies at the IULM University of Milan. He works in radio, social media, digital culture, public media and audience studies. He has published articles for international media studies magazines (Media, Culture & Society; European Journal of Communication; […]