

Franck Varenne

Franck Varenne graduated as an engineer in electrical engineering and computer science at the Ecole Suprieure d’Electricità (Supàlec – Paris) in 1993. He received his MA in philosophy at the University of Paris 1 (Sorbonne) and he obtained a MA in contemporary history of science at the University of Lyon 2 (2000). After his Ph.D. […]


Elwin Verploegen

Elwin Verploegen is a programmer & co-founder of SassyBot Studio, a small indie game developer from the Netherlands. After graduating from the NHTV (Breda, Netherlands) with a degree in Indie Game Development, he immediately went on to work on entertainment products in his own company. At the moment he is working on Fragments of Him, […]


Michele Vianello

Expert in “smart cities”, digital agenda and social networking. Writer. I am the “Digital Evangelist” of Ars et Inventio, a company “that deals exclusively with Innovation and Creativity “. I help city authorities and companies build a strategic position on the Web. Consultant for businesses (Ferrari and Ferrari Museums), Public Administrations and Professional Rolls. I […]


Marco Vieri

Marco Vieri was born in Florence on 24 January 1956. He graduated in Agronomy (1983) and obtained a Research Doctorate in Agricultural Engineering (1990). Since 1989 he has been a researcher, since 2000 an associate professor and is currently a full professor in the Engineering of Biosystems section of the University of Florence, and head […]


Jasper Visser

Jasper is a change agent and innovator specialised in value creation through audience engagement. As an independent consultant and entrepreneur he has worked for over 10 years with ambitious organizations and forward-thinking individuals on innovative projects that put the audience at the heart of business. His clients range from cultural and heritage institutions to large […]


Silvia Viviani

Silvia Viviani is President of INU (National Institute of Urbanism) since december 2013. She was born in Florence on 19 June 1959 where she lives and works as architect and urban planner on her own since 20 years. Since then, she has been producing several plans (towns, cities, regions and natural parks) and she has […]


Paolo Volterra

Paolo Volterra, born Rome 1966. Married, with two children. Journalist. Since 2003 I have worked for Sky Tg24, where I am chief political editor. Before that I worked at Radio Capital, and previously at various newspapers and press offices. I studied contemporary history and journalism. I have taught Radio Journalism and Journalism Techniques at the […]