

Alida Sangiorgi

Dr Alida Sangiorgi is Product Marketing Manager at Alce Nero. Alida Sangiorgi graduated in Economics and Commerce in 1998. After two years’ experience in management consultancy she began to move into food marketing, gaining experience in multinational companies and taking on increasing responsibility, until attaining her current position as Product Marketing Manager for Alce Nero, […]


Andrea Santagata

I’m from Pisa, and I’m daddy to Giulio and Stella. Internet is my work and my passion. My work experience began in 1999 at Libero.it, when it was still called Italia online. From 2001 to 2007 I had the opportunity to train at Matrix, the Italian Web school, where from 2004 to 2007 I held […]


Vincenzo Santalucia

Born in 1982, I’m a game designer, an art director, and a passionate illustrator. I worked for about ten years as a UX designer and art director for e-learning, educational and scientific publishing. In 2013, with two close friends, I founded Balzo: a studio for video game and serious game development. We will shortly be […]


Andrea Saracino

Andrea Saracino is a post-doctoral researcher at the CNR Institute for Informatics and Telematics at the University of Pisa (PhD 2015), and since 2012 has been a member of the CNR group Trustworthy and Secure Future Internet. His field of interest is the security of mobile devices and distributed systems. He has published various articles […]


Federico Maria Sardelli

In 1984 Federico Maria Sardelli founded the Baroque orchestra Modo Antiquo, which performs concerts all over the world. He is principal conductor of the Accademia Barocca di Santa Cecilia and the Turin Philharmonic Orchestra. He appears regularly as a guest conductor with the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, the Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana, the […]


William Sbarzaglia

Project manager at Web Intera srl. Project planner and advisor for more than 15 years. Since 2000 he is a TYPO3 expert with more than 400 TYPO3-based projects experience. Following each phase of the project including the final training, he mainly plans e-commerce websites, takes care of the web marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) […]


Gea Scancarello

Gea Scancarello is a journalist, born in 1980 and educated in Italy, the United States and Spain, where she has lived and studied. Working as a freelance for major national magazines (Sportweek, A, Riders, ioDonna, L’Uomo Vogue) and as correspondent for the online daily Lettera43.it, she has written reportage from Lebanon and the United States, […]


Slawka G. Scarso

Slawka G. Scarso has a first class degree in Economics from the LUISS Guido Carli University, an AIS Sommelier Diploma and is a qualified Olive Oil Sommelier. She teaches Wine Marketing and food and wine tourism at the LUISS Business School and the University of Salerno. Since 2004 she has been working in the field […]


Giancarlo Sciascia

Giancarlo Sciascia (1979), Cultural manager since 2007; skilled on community building and digital storytelling. Researcher @ www.fbk.eu focused on impact narratives; he acts as a social innovation catalyst. As a community manager, he designs research dissemination initiatives and takes part into smart city/community programmes supported by civic hacking web platforms.