

Pietro Pio Pitzalis

Pietro Pio Pitzalis – Reporter Gourmet. A passion that started young, a bond with good taste that has always been part of his life. Indelible memories of the time when, as a seven-year-old child, he would amuse himself after school by giving advice to the customers in his father’s grocery shop. Then, later, so many […]


Caterina Policaro

Caterina Policaro, or catepol everywhere on the web. I’m from Calabria-Lucania. I have been a teacher and a trainer in online and digital educational and communication technologies in schools for a decade. I’ve been a blogger since 2002, writing my own blog catepol.net and also other things; I’m concerned with introducing digital and communications skills […]

Pietro Polsinelli

Pietro Polsinelli is a developer with 25 years of experience in modeling and application development for corporations and institutions. As a game designer and developer he works mainly in applied games in the fields of health, social impact, education for the European Union, universities and research centers. Full bio: designagame.eu/pietro.polsinelli Curates a blog on game […]


Titti Postiglione

Titti Postiglione is currently responsible for the Office of volunteering, training and communication of civil defence, after almost three years at the head of the Sala Situazione Italiana, the national operations centre for civil defence. A vulcanologist from Salerno, 44 years old, in civil defence for the past 16 years, Titti has been involved in […]


Marco Pratellesi

Marco Pratellesi is editor in chief of l’Espresso online. He teaches the Master’s degree course Techniques and Language of Digital Journalism at Iulm University in Milan and at Pontificia Università Lateranense in Rome. Until August 2012 he was Director of Editorial Digital Development for Condé Nast Italia. From 2002 to 2010 he was editor in […]


Francesco Quarna

Francesco Quarna is content manager of Radio Deejay / deejay.it He was born in Varallo (VC) on 30 October 1980. In 1996 he took his first steps as a sound engineer at several local radio stations in the north-west of Italy (Puntoradio 96, Radio Planet, Alfa Radio). Outside the studio, he made a name for […]

Simon Querci

Simon Querci, 42, is a graduate in Economics and Commerce. Following professional experience in the social context, he now works in implementing aggregation and collaboration projects between companies. He has collaborated with Coldiretti since 2009, and was responsible for the then new Campagna Amica project in Tuscany. Campagna Amica focuses on initiatives geared to expressing […]


Domenico Quirico

Domenico Quirico is a journalist at La Stampa, responsible for foreign affairs, Paris correspondent and now reporter. In particular he has followed closely all the African stories in the past twenty years, from Somalia to the Congo, Rwanda to the Arab Spring. He has been awarded the Cutuli and Premiolino journalism prizes and, in 2013, […]


Rino Razzi

President of Archimede Informatica Società Cooperativa. Planner and advisor since 1994, he’s been building web portals using TYPO3 since 2003. In his role of coordinator, he follows each web project step-by-step: from the pre-requisite study to the final implementation. Certified as “TYPO3 Integrator” in 2010, he is one of the creators of the T3Camp Italia. […]