

Dino Pedreschi

Dino Pedreschi is a full professor in Computer Science at the University of Pisa and is a pioneer of big data analytics, that is, analysing the footprints of human activity online in order to understand the complexities of society. With Fosca Giannotti he runs the KDD LAB – Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory a […]


Paolo Pellegrini

Paolo Pellegrini, freelance journalist, was born in the Chianti Classico area and lives in Florence: hence the roots of his love for the Good and the Beautiful, great art in all its manifestations (especially music) and the material culture of the countryside. He started writing at a very early age, and after extensive experience in […]


Pierpaolo Penco

Over the years I have gained experience in the field of communications, promotion and marketing for research centres, technology firms, tourism, viticulture and associated associations/consortiums, including international consultancy firms (I am Italian Country Manager for Wine Intelligence, London). In parallel I have built and consolidated my experience in academia and training at business schools (I […]


Fabrizio Perrone

Fabrizio has been a serial startupper since 2007. He founded Fan Media in 2008. In 2010, among the first in Italy, he started dealing with Buzz Marketing. In 2012, he became a Lecturer of New Marketing at IED (Milan, Italy) and sold his first startup as well. Since 2013 he is CEO at Buzzoole, coordinating […]


Nicola Perullo

I am a professor of Aesthetics, and I teach at the University of Gastronomic Sciences at Pollenzo, I’m also a temporary lecturer, guest lecturer and visiting professor at other universities in Italy and abroad (Palermo University, San Raffaele University of Rome, Holy Cross College and Florida Atlantic University in the United States). I have worked […]


Carlo Piana

A lawyer, since 1995 Carlo has been working in the field of rights for new technologies. In 2008 he founded Array – a horizontal non-law-firm (“Array is an array”) with experts in IT law – focusing particularly on free and open source software. He is a member of the General Council of the Free Software […]

Pietrafesa Emma

Emma Pietrafesa

Dr Emma Pietrafesa (PhD) Research Assistant (Inail-Research Sector), Subject Assistant (LUMSA University) and Communicator. Post-university specialisations in public communication and international relations. International work experience: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) – Brussels (Permanent Representative of Italy-Press and Communications Office); Wyeth Lederle S. p. A. – Aprilia (Sales and Marketing Office); Amnesty International – Brussels (Francophone […]


Tommaso Pincio

Tommaso Pincio is a writer and a painter who lives and works in Rome. His books include: M. (Cronopio), Un amore dell’altro mondo (Einaudi), La ragazza che non era lei (Einaudi), Cinacittà (Einaudi), Lo spazio sfinito (minimum fax), L’hotel a zero stelle (Laterza) and Pulp Roma (Il Saggiatore). He contributes to various newspapers and magazines, […]