
Luca Novarino


Luca Novarino was born in Turin in 1974 and trained in economics. In 2008 he founded, with three friends, the project Memoro – la Banca della Memoria, dedicated to collecting and making available the life stories of people born before 1950, in the form of audiovisual interviews shared on the web. To date Memoro has collected more than 15,000 video clips and is active in 15 countries around the world; it aims to involve users so they too become “Memory Seekers”, and create new content in turn. In 2009 the story of the project was told in the book and DVD “Io mi ricordo”, published by Einaudi – Stile Libero.
Luca is also involved in other digital publishing projects (Bookliners, the first Italian venture on social reading; LEA – libri ed altro, the new subscription-based shared reading scheme from Editori Laterza) and e-commerce.