
Christian Caliandro


Christian Caliandro (1979) is a contemporary art historian, a student of cultural history and an expert in cultural policy. He is member of the scientific committee of the Symbola Foundation for Italian Quality. In 2006 he won the first DARC MAXXI Prize for contemporary Italian art criticism. He has published La trasformazione delle immagini. L’inizio del postmoderno tra arte, cinema e teoria, 1977-’83 (Mondadori Electa 2008), Italia Reloaded. Ripartire con la cultura (Il Mulino 2011, with Pier Luigi Sacco) and Italia Revolution. Rinascere con la cultura (Bompiani 2013). From 2004 to 2011 he edited the Inteoria and Essai sections of the “Exibart” website; since 2011 he has edited the Inpratica and Cinema sections of “Artribune”. He is also a regular contributor to “minima&moralia”, “alfabeta2” and “Scenari”; he has written articles for the daily newspapers “Il Fatto Quotidiano” and “Il Corriere del Mezzogiorno”, and the magazines “Domus” and “Inside”. He has also curated numerous solo and collective exhibitions.