
Franco Stone

An educational scientific and philosophical recital

Fri 09 21:30 - 22:30

How is Franco Stone pronounced? In Italian (as written), or in English (stoun)? In the latter case, would it not be more correct to write Frank Stone? What has Franco Stone to do with Frankenstein? Is he perhaps a parody? Did Franco Stone really exist? Was he really from Pisa? Did he really meet Mary Shelley when she lived in San Giuliano? Did he really do everything he is thought to have done? Who was Franco Stone? What better occasion than an Internet Festival to reveal the truth? Sacchi di Sabbia and Gatti Mézzi, Gipi, writer Sergio Costanzo, comedian Marco Azzurini, musician Carlo Ipata and designer Guido Bartoli join forces for the first time to tell the story of this extraordinary character, in a mixture of science, philosophy and…science fiction! With music, live painting and theatre, an “enjoyed” and enjoyable examination of the Pisa sources that inspired Mary Shelly to write Frankenstein in the early nineteenth century!

With Marco Azzurini, Guido Bartoli, Agostino Cerrai, Sergio Costanzo, I Gatti Mézzi, Carlo Ipata, I Sacchi di Sabbia, Rosa Maria Rizzi, Chiara Aurora Gagliano and special guest appearance by GIPI. Thanks to the Agostini Venerosi Della Seta family for access to their personal archives.

