Salvatore Ippolito, Country Manager, Twitter Italia.
Salvatore Ippolito can boast more than 15 years’ experience in the Italian digital sector, thanks to numerous jobs in major companies.
Having obtained a law degree at the University of Naples and an MBA at SDA Bocconi School of Management, Salvatore Ippolito began his professional career in 1987 with various roles in marketing and communication at Nielsen Italia, UniCredit and 3M Italia. In late 1999 he was assigned the start-up and development of Nielsen NetRatings in Italy, Spain and Portugal, and in 2004 he undertook the role of Vice President of sales at EMEA. In February 2008 he moved to Microsoft Advertising Italy as Country Head, with responsibility for developing the company’s Italian operations.
In 2010 he joined Wind Telecomunicazioni and in 2011, following Wind’s split and subsequent merger with Matrix, he was appointed Vice President of Sales at Italiaonline Advertising, where he was in charge of developing the portal’s sales operations.
In April 2014 Salvatore Ippolito was appointed Country Manager for Twitter Italia, where he is responsible for building a sales team to support major brands on the Italian market, assisting them in making optimum use of the potential offered by social broadcasting platforms; he is also responsible for the promotion of Twitter’s range of advertising products. These include sponsored Tweets, sponsored accounts and sponsored trends.
Salvatore Ippolito was a member if the Audiweb board from 2008 to 2013, the board of IAB Italy from 2008 to 2013 and was President of IAB Italy from 2011 to 2012.
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