
Pietro Pio Pitzalis


Pietro Pio Pitzalis – Reporter Gourmet.

A passion that started young, a bond with good taste that has always been part of his life. Indelible memories of the time when, as a seven-year-old child, he would amuse himself after school by giving advice to the customers in his father’s grocery shop.
Then, later, so many products tasted and sold. Hundreds of salamis, cheeses, farm-grown fruits and vegetables. Bread, pasta, cakes, legumes, olive oil, tinned tomatoes, meat, fish, and those unforgettable dishes mother used to cook. IGP, DOP, DOC, IGT, Presidia and small artisan producers.
And over time, a good bottle of wine on a Sunday. A different one every week. To taste, smell, understand. Yes, to understand too the work and the passion of the man who carefully tends the grapes then takes them from the vine to make them into a wonderful drink.
And more: to understand and value the passion with which so many people create wonderful products, simple and priceless. Fabulous raw materials that end up in the hands of skilled chefs whose virtuosity creates dishes capable of giving the diner moments of intense pleasure.
On his travels he has seen places, eaten and drunk in ordinary, appalling and superb restaurants. More than a few, but fewer than many.
Over many years he has learned to distinguish the good from the less good. To recognise and understand smells, and he has taught his palate to identify many tastes. In 2012, after a period of reflection, he decided to put his passion into his work, and founded Reporter Gourmet.
And so it continues. Because the best place is the one yet to come. The most exquisite dish is the one you haven’t yet tried. The most delicious wine is the one you haven’t yet drunk.