
Lo scrittore Marco Malvaldi fotografato nello studio del fotografo Nicola Ughi

Marco Malvaldi

Marco Malvadi was born in Pisa, and lives in his home city. A student of the Scuola Normale in Pisa and a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry at the University of Pisa, he debuted on the literary scene with the crime thriller La briscola in cinque, published by Sellerio. In […]


Lorenzo Mannella

Lorenzo Mannella is a science writer with a degree in biotechnology. He works for the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia as a project manager in sustainable agriculture. He is also interested in technology, the environment, data journalism and entertainment. He has worked as a blogger at Maker Faire Rome, and has written for Wired […]


Ezio Manzini

For more than two decades he has been working in the field of design for sustainability. Most recently, his interests have focussed on social innovation, considered as a major driver of sustainable changes. In this perspective he started DESIS: an international network of schools of design specifically active in the field of design for social […]


Barbara Marcotulli

A Service Experience Designer, Barbara has gained extensive experience in the field of regional improvement through initiatives linked to tourism and culture, and innovations in these spheres. In the course of her work in communication and social marketing she collaborates with various national and international firms, which feeds into issues of cultural tourism and heritage […]


Marianna Marcucci

As far back as I can remember I’ve been in tourism, trying to promote Italy, which I am passionately in love with, through my work in hotels and as a consultant in marketing strategies. To value and promote a land through technology, but also to pay attention to and look after the offline part too. […]

Frédéric Martel

Frédéric Martel

Frédéric Martel (Châteaurenard, 1967) is a sociologist, and works at IRIS (Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques) in Paris. He has written several highly successful books and is a regular contributor to French newspapers and radio. With Feltrinelli he has published Mainstream. Come si costruisce un successo planetario e si vince la guerra mondiale dei […]


Maurizio Martinelli

Graduated in Computer Science at the University of Pisa. – Head of the “Internet Services and Technological Development” department of the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the Italian National Research Council (IIT-CNR), formed by about 16 people. The department is formed by several laboratories and its main task is the planning, designing and development […]

Flavia Marzano

Flavia Marzano

Teacher at the Technology Laboratory for Digital Administration at the Sapienza, coordinator of the OMAT360 Committee of Experts for Innovation, expert judge for the European Commission V, VI and VII Framework Programme, blogger for Wired.it and CheFuturo! Expert in virtual communication and content management, consultant advising Public Administrations on the development of the Information and […]