

Nathan Jurgenson

Nathan is a social media theorist, a contributing editor for The New Inquiry, researcher with Snapchat, co-founder and chair of the Theorizing the Web conference, and is pursuing a PhD in Sociology at the University of Maryland. His research is driven most fundamentally by the understanding that the informational and embodied, the digital and physical, […]



Born in Wales in 1991 but now living in Glasgow, Lewis Roberts began making music at the age of nine. From a passion for John Coltrane’s jazz, he quickly discovered electronic music. In 2008 he began his career as a producer, under the stage name “Koreless”. Koreless followed the lines of the post-dubstep scene, recording […]


Pierre Kuhn

Pierre Mounier-Kuhn is chargè de recherches at CNRS and Universitè Paris-Sorbonne. He has published more than fifty papers on the history of computing in France (science, industry, governemental policies), and co-organized several international conferences on the history of computing, of patents and of telecommunications. He is the author of two books: “L’informatique en France de […]

Domenico Laforenza

Domenico Laforenza

Domenico Laforenza has been the director of the Institute for Informatics and Telematics at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) di Pisa since 1st July 2008. From the same date he has also been head of Registro.it, the register for .it domain names. Technological Director of the CNR from 1981 to the 30th June 2008, […]


Mirko Lalli

Mirko Lalli has 15 years’ experience in the marketing and digital communication sector, to which he contributes articles and publications. In January 2014 he founded and became CEO of Travel Appeal, a big data analysis and digital marketing company for the travel sector. Until December 2013 he was Director of Corporate Communication of Clouditalia SpA, […]


Alberto Lastrucci

Alberto Lastrucci was born in Florence in 1968. He started working with the Festival dei Popoli in 1995, being the curator of the catalogue and of some retrospectives. In the following years he joined the selection committee and became Festival Coordinator.? Since 2012 he is the director of the Festival dei Popoli.


Stefano Legnani

I was born in December 1956 in Bologna, where I spent the first twenty years of my life. I was educated at the Agricultural Secondary School, and from there I started the “first chapter” of my life, when I worked as an Insurance Agent. My “second chapter” however, as a small-scale winemaker, began in 2005, […]


Ludovica Leone

Ludovica Leone is a part-time lecturer at the Department of Management and Technology of Bocconi University and Research Affiliate at the research centre ASK (Art, Science and Knowledge) at the same university. She has worked as a teacher and scientific coordinator for the food and wine management programmes at Bologna Business School. She completed a […]



In a world where information dominates our lives, a collective of dissidents opts to refuse its rhetoric and begin an all-out struggle against the pre-packaged formulas and intellectual laziness of 2.0 journalism. With this premise the website Lercio.it came into being in 2012, and quickly asserted itself as a viral phenomenon capable of flooding the […]