
Monestier Omar


Omar Monestier was born in Belluno on 23 September 1964 and lives in Moruzzo (UD). He worked for the Gazzettino under Giorgio Lago until 1990 when, on finishing a contract at the Belluno office, he was taken on as an intern at the newly-launched “Gazzetta delle Dolomiti “, edited by Edoardo Longarini. He became a professional freelancer in 1992, and in May of the same year, soon after passing the state exam, he joined the “Cronaca di Verona”, edited by Paolo Pagliaro. He was deputy editor of the provincial publication and then editor of the city news section under Brugnoli until September 1994, when he left Verona to go to “Il Mattino dell’Alto Adige” in Bolzano as editor-in-chief (under director Giampaolo Visetti). He stayed in Bolzano until 1997, when he resigned to become editor-in-chief of Trento publication “L’Alto Adige”, under director Fabio Barbieri. In August 1997 he followed Barbieri to Padua, where he was appointed deputy director of “Il Mattino di Padova”. He also became deputy director of “La Tribuna di Treviso”, until the appointment of new deputy director Alessandro Moser. In May 2000 Monastier became co-director of “Il Mattino di Padova”, responsible for the coordination of its associated titles: “la Tribuna di Treviso” and “la Nuova di Venezia e Mestre”. He led “Il Mattino di Padova” from June 2005 to March 2012. From late 2011 to March 2012 he was also director of “Corriere Delle Alpi” in Belluno. Since 25 March 2012 he has been director of the “Messaggero Veneto” in Udine, and since 20 October 2014 he has been director of “Il Tirreno”.