
Marco Vieri


Marco Vieri was born in Florence on 24 January 1956. He graduated in Agronomy (1983) and obtained a Research Doctorate in Agricultural Engineering (1990). Since 1989 he has been a researcher, since 2000 an associate professor and is currently a full professor in the Engineering of Biosystems section of the University of Florence, and head of the degree course in Viticulture and Oenology.
Marco is a member of the Accademia dei Georgofili, the Accademia Italiana dell’Olivo e dell’Olio and the Accademia della Vite e del Vino. He is spokesman for the Tuscany Region and Ministries for safety in Agriculture. He has developed the following programmes: Engineering in Olive and Grape Production, Agricultural, Forestry and Environmental Mechanisation for Energy, Machinery and Systems for Leisure Activities in Rural Areas, Mechanisation for the management of natural and land resources.
He holds 6 patents for his own inventions and has written over 300 publications, many of which have been presented at conferences and in international magazines, on some 50 funded research projects.