
Marco Pratellesi


Marco Pratellesi is editor in chief of l’Espresso online. He teaches the Master’s degree course Techniques and Language of Digital Journalism at Iulm University in Milan and at Pontificia Università Lateranense in Rome.

Until August 2012 he was Director of Editorial Digital Development for Condé Nast Italia. From 2002 to 2010 he was editor in chief of Corriere della sera.it. Before that, he had launched and had been editor in chief of four online websites for the Monti-Riffeser group (Quotidiano.net, la Nazione.it, il Resto del Carlino.it, il Girono.it). He began his career as a court correspondent and then worked as editor for several national newspapers and magazines including Il Ponte di Calamandrei, Paese Sera, La Nazione and La Voce directed by Indro Montanelli.

In 1997 he won the “Reporter of the Year” award for his report on money laundering entitled “Phoney Money”. In 2010 he was awarded the “Luigi Salvatorelli Prize for History” for his book entitled New Journalism. Dalla crisi della stampa al giornalismo di tutti, Bruno Mondadori (2004, 2008 e 2013). Most recently, in 2011, he won the “Arrigo Benedetti” prize for journalism for his innovation in the new media field.

He wrote the entry for the word Blog in the Treccani Encyclopedia. He also co-authored Firenze, quella notte una bomba. Gli Uffizi, la gente, le opere., Shakespeare and Company, Florence 1993 – a book about the mafia attacks in 1993 – and Il giornalismo in Italia. Aspetti, processi produttivi, tendenze, Carocci, Rome 2003. He is president of the “Festival dei Popoli” International Documentary Film Association.