Coming from a background as an educated graphic designer of the late 80s, who transformed into a digital media producer during the 90s, Jo entered the TYPO3 universe in 2002. Today he is a well known TypoScript wizard, TYPO3 trainer and coach, external senior consultant and accessibility expert at T-Systems and author of O’Reilly’s “TYPO3 Kochbuch”. As of 2006 he has been a speaker and conducting workshops at numerous TYPO3 events (Camps, Developer Days, Conferences).
Together with his wife he founded the Cybercr@ft Media Manufactory in 2009. The company is located in Germany and mainly acting as a workbench for TYPO3 agencies and end customers. They produce TYPO3 related stuff for clients from small businesses up to global players and extensions like tagpack and gridelements published in the TYPO3 extension repository. They are a member of the TYPO3 association, Jo is certified as a TYPO3 integrator and together with Petra he is organizing the TYPO3 user experience weeks as of 2014.
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