
Giulio Giorello


Lecturer in the Philosophy of Science at the University of Milan, Giulio Giorello was born in Milan in 1945 and graduated in Philosophy in 1968 and Mathematics in 1971. He has taught in the faculties of Engineering (Pavia), Arts and Philosophy (Milan), Science (Catania) and at the Polytechnic University of Milan and the IUAV University of Venice. He is a columnist for the Corriere della Sera and edits the series Scienza e Idee (Science and Ideas) for Raffaello Cortina Publishers. From reflecting on the philosophy of mathematics in his early career, his interests have expanded to include the relationship between the development of science and intellectual freedom; indeed he wrote the Italian edition of John Milton’s Areopagitica (Laterza, 1987) and, with Marco Mondadori, John Stuart Mill’s essay On Liberty (il Saggiatore, 1981). In his next publication (out 2015, Bollati Boringhieri) he tackles the idea of so-called “Internet democracy”. His most recent work, co-authored with geneticist Edoardo Boncinelli is Noi che abbiamo l’animo libero. Quando Amleto incontra Cleopatra (We who have a free spirit. When Hamlet meets Cleopatra), Longanesi 2014.