Caterina Policaro, or catepol everywhere on the web.
I’m from Calabria-Lucania. I have been a teacher and a trainer in online and digital educational and communication technologies in schools for a decade. I’ve been a blogger since 2002, writing my own blog catepol.net and also other things; I’m concerned with introducing digital and communications skills and the correct use of social media, starting in the school environment, training teachers in social media, interactive whiteboards, scuola 2.0 etc. I have wide-ranging experience in web communication and professional management of social profiles. I am co-writer of Vademecum Pubblica Amministrazione e Social Media. I volunteer for the Matera 2019 Web team, and I’m Basilicata Digital Champion. I am currently in charge of institutional, political and social communication for the Regional Minister for Agriculture for Basilicata.
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