Why are we constantly taking photos and being photographed ourselves? What are family albums on the web, and who appears in them? What are the criteria we use to decide who to include and exclude when sharing our photos? What sensibilities are at play in every tag, modification and like of digital images? In the nineteenth century, when photography was invented, it was spoken of as “becoming the image of the world”. The proliferation of images on the web, the implosion/explosion of the self through selfies, the expansion and latest developments of the photography phenomenon and other common behaviours on the digital scene tend to suggest a new relationship between visible and invisible, subject and object, private and public, acceptable and taboo: the becoming worlds of the image. Foto eXistenZ.
ToolBox: Foto eXistenZ. Selfies, images and web uchronia
Sun 11 15:00 - 17:00
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