
Franck Varenne


Franck Varenne graduated as an engineer in electrical engineering and computer science at the Ecole Suprieure d’Electricità (Supàlec – Paris) in 1993. He received his MA in philosophy at the University of Paris 1 (Sorbonne) and he obtained a MA in contemporary history of science at the University of Lyon 2 (2000). After his Ph.D. thesis in epistemology (University of Lyon 2, 2004), he became Associate Professor of epistemology at the University of Rouen Normandy (2005). In 2006, he became a member of the CNRS-Lab GEMASS (UMR 8598 – Paris Sorbonne) too. Franck Varenneâ’s research focuses on the history and epistemology of formal models and computer simulations in contemporary sciences. His method in applied epistemology is threefold: 1. historical, 2. comparative, 3. immersive, i.e. observational (empirical) and
interactional (coactive).